Dr. Guanghao Sun received the B.S. degree in medical engineering from Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, in 2011. He completed the Frontier Science Course supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT) in Japan, in 2011. His M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in system design engineering were received from Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan, in 2013 and 2015, respectively. From April 2013 to September 2015, he was a Research Fellow with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. In 2015, he was with The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan, as an Assistant Professor, where he became an Associate Professor in 2020. His research interests include non-contact bio-measurement, bio-signal processing, and design medical instrumentation. He is a Senior Member of IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (IEEE-EMBS) and Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (JSMBE). He was the recipient of 2013 BES-SEC Design Silver Award for design a multiple vital-signs based infection screening system and 2014 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Student Abroad.

04/2013 - 03/2015 Ph. D. in Engineering, Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
04/2011 - 03/2013 Master of Engineering, Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
04/2007 - 03/2011 Bachelor of Medical Engineering, Department of Medical System Engineering, Chiba University, Japan

06/2021 - present Founder, SUN LAB Co., Ltd.
10/2020 - present Associate Professor, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications
04/2015 - present Visiting Associate Professor, Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University
10/2015 - 09/2020 Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications
04/2015 - 09/2015 Postdoctoral Fellow (PD) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
04/2013 - 03/2015 Doctoral Course Students (DC1) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Research Interests:
Noncontact Bio-measurement, Data Mining, System Design, Medical Device Design
Biomedical Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction, Infection Screening

Senior Member of IEEE-EMBS (Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society)
Member of JSMBE (Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering)

04/2020 - present Fundamental of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications

Honors & Awards
06/2024, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) Technical Development Award
07/2019, IEEE Senior Member
02/2015, Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Student Abroad.
This award was founded by the Chinese government in 2003 with the purpose of rewarding the academic excellence of self-financed Chinese students studying overseas. Only those with outstanding performance in their PhD studies are considered by the award selection panel and no more than 500 young talents are granted the award each year all over the world.
12/2013, BES-SEC Design Silver Award
Design an infection screening system based on multiple vital-signs for prevention of pandemic diseases in developing countries.
10/2007 - 03/2011, Completed the frontier science course supported by MEXT in Chiba University.

Advisor of Students' Honors & Awards
10/2022, Outstanding Demo Award at The 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (Ms. Hoang Thi Yen)
I/Q Channel Selection for 24 GHz CW Radar to Non-Contact Vital Signs Detection for Health Check System.
10/2022, Best Student Paper Award at The 2022 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (Mr. Nguyen Huu Son and Ms. Hoang Thi Yen)
High-Accuracy Heart Rate Estimation by Half/Double BBI Moving Average and Data Recovery Algorithm of 24GHz CW-Doppler Radar.
09/2019, Young Researcher Encouragement Award at The 1st ECTI UEC Workshop on AI and Application (Mr. Toshiaki Negishi)
Development of Remote Infection Screening System Using RGB Camera and Thermography.
03/2019, Student Travel Award at IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (Ms. Xiaofeng Yang)
Dengue Fever Screening Using Vital Signs by Contactless Microwave Radar and Machine Learning.
12/2016, BES-SEC Design Merit Award (Ms. Mai Kobayashi)
A Low-cost Screening System for Objective Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder Using Heart Rate Variability Derived from Photoplethysmogram Sensor.

Google Scholar

Exhibitions and News release
[12] 心拍変動までを測定可能とする非接触型バイタルサイン・モニタリングシステム
電子情報通信学会誌ニュース解説 、2023年4月

[11] 医療レーダーを使い非接触で子供の体調チェック

[10] Multiple Sensor Fusion Technology for Non-contact Measurement of Vital Signs and its Clinical Applications
UEC e-Bulletin, 2019年6月

[9] ”感染症患者 画像で判別” ”電通大、赤外線・可視光で体温や心拍把握”

[8] デング熱、その場で判別 電通大、精度90%超のシステム開発

[7] 非接触バイオセンシングによる感染症スクリーニング
MEDTEC Japan、2017年6月23日

[6] 感染症、AIで即時特定

[5] 感染症スクリーニングシステム.

[4] 感染症チェッカーKAZEKAMO.

[3] Design an infection screening system based on multiple vital-signs for prevention of pandemic diseases in developing countries.
The 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME 2013), Singapore, 12.4 - 12.7, 2013

[2] Design an infection screening system based on multiple vital-signs for prevention of pandemic diseases in tropical countries.
The Japanese Monozukuri Technology Exhibition, Hanoi, Vietnam, 9.4 - 9.6, 2013

[1] 検疫システムデザイン開発プロジェクト
第8回 金の卵 オールスターデザインショーケース 「産学協同/地域連携-現場で育 て未来のチカラ」、アクシスギャラリー

[10] 胸郭運動計測装置及び胸郭運動計測プログラム,特願2022-101269,2022年
[9] 実験動物バイタルサイン計測システム,特願2022-065657,2022年
[8] 呼吸器系疾患判別装置,特開2020-92980, 2020年
[7] 非接触バイタルサイン計測装置、非接触バイタルサイン計測方法およびプログラム,特願2019-104201,2019年
[6] 生体信号成分検出装置、検出方法および記録媒体,特願2018-168053,2018年
[5] 心拍・呼吸計測システム及び心拍・呼吸計測方法,特願2017-133367,2017年
[4] 精神状態判定方法及び精神状態判定プログラム,特願2015-037820,2016年
[3] 症状判別装置,特開2015-104596,2015年
[2] 体調モニタリング装置,特願2014-29868/LTP14001PCT,2014年
[1] 自律移動ロボット及びバイタルサインモニタリング方法,特願2014-202605,2014年

Research Grants
[12] 12/2023 - 03/2025, Guanghao Sun (Principal Investigator), TERUMO LIFE SCIENCE FOUNDATION
[11] 04/2023 - 03/2026, Guanghao Sun (Principal Investigator), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
[10] 04/2022 - 03/2024, Guanghao Sun (Co-Investigator), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
[9] 11/2021 - 11/2022, Guanghao Sun (Principal Investigator), The Suzuken Memorial Foundation
[8] 10/2019 - 10/2020, Guanghao Sun (Principal Investigator), The Okawa Foundation for Information and Telecommunications
[7] 04/2019 - 03/2022, Guanghao Sun (Principal Investigator), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
[6] 04/2019 - 03/2022, Guanghao Sun (Co-Investigator), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
[5] 12/2017 - 04/2019, Guanghao Sun (Principal Investigator), HUAWEI Innovation Research Program
[4] 04/2016 - 03/2019, Guanghao Sun (Principal Investigator), Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (B)
[3] 04/2016 - 03/2019, Guanghao Sun (Co-Investigator), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
[2] 04/2016 - 03/2019, Guanghao Sun (Co-Investigator), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
[1] 04/2013 - 03/2016, Guanghao Sun (Principal Investigator), Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows

Dr. Guanghao Sun
Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering
The University of Electro-Communications
1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
E-mail: Guanghao.Sun[at]; Guanghao.Sun[at]

© Sun Lab Since 2015, UEC. Last update 2025.